Feb 14, 2025  
2016-2017 University Catalog 
2016-2017 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Rush University/Academic Policies

Administrative Offices

Office of the Provost

The Provost is the chief academic officer of the University. The Provost oversees academic policies and activities throughout the University. Responsible for strategic planning, the Provost provides leadership in setting the vision for the University and for fulfilling the University’s mission. Management of the colleges is accomplished through the Deans, who report directly to the Provost.

The Associate Provost for Research Affairs has overall responsibility for research activity and policy at the University and oversees all aspects of the research enterprise within the University.

The Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs is responsible for the University activities in Global Health Affairs and Faculty Affairs.

The Senior Associate Provost for Educational Affairs is responsible for University operations and planning as well as the coordination of academic resources and oversees programs and services that support the student experience. Responsibilities include oversight of University Enrollment Services, the Counseling Center, McCormick Educational Technology Center (METC), Library Services, Office of Student Financial Aid, Office of the Registrar, Office of Student Life and Engagement, Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs,International Services and University Facilities,.

The Associate Provost for Professional Education and Community Engagement is responsible for the development and administration of the University’s Office of Continuing Health Professional Education. Additional responsibilities include development of student volunteer services based on community health and student service learning needs, facilitating inter- and intra-professional student clinical experiences across the University and College of Nursing community faculty practice sites, and aligning the University’s community efforts with those of the Medical Center’s Community Benefit Plan and the Community Needs Assessment findings.

The Associate Provost for Institutional Research, Assessment and Accreditation is responsible for providing accurate and reliable data in support of planning, policy making, academic assessment and program reviews, in accordance with the institution’s missions and strategic goals.

Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar (located in 440 Armour Academic Center) supports the academic mission of the University by facilitating the transition of students from matriculation to degree completion; interpreting and enforcing established academic and administrative policies and procedures; overseeing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA); scheduling all classroom space in the Armour Academic Center; issuing student identification cards; fulfilling transcript and credentialing/licensing requests; and providing accessible, reliable, responsive and courteous personal services and support that meet the diverse needs of the University’s students, faculty, staff, administration and alumni. More specific information about the Office of the Registrar is available at http://www.rushu.rush.edu/rush-experience/student-services/office-registrar.

Academic Resources and Policies

Academic Honesty and Student Conduct

Rush University students and faculty belong to an academic community with high scholarly standards. As essential as academic honesty is to the relationship of trust fundamental to the educational process, academic dishonesty violates one of the most basic ethical principles of an academic community, and will result in sanctions imposed under the University’s disciplinary system.

Examples of conduct that would subject a student to disciplinary action include but are not limited to:

  • All forms of academic dishonesty including but not limited to: cheating; plagiarism; collusion; gaining or seeking unfair advantage in relation to any work submitted; helping others to gain an unfair advantage; removing examination materials from a secure examination area; the unauthorized downloading or copying of examinations that are given online; fabricating assigned academic work, including clinical assessments, and presenting them as authentic; facilitating academic dishonesty; unauthorized examination behavior.
  • Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, clinical practice and community outreach or other University/Medical Center activities
  • Falsification of student records, transcripts or financial aid forms or applications
  • Theft of or damage to University/Medical Center property or the property of a member of the University/Medical Center community
  • Threatened or physical abuse of any person or action that threatens or endangers the safety of others
  • Misrepresentation, falsification, alteration, or misuse of the University/Medical Center documents, records or identification, or research data
  • Unauthorized use or entry of University/Medical Center facilities
  • Conviction of a crime deemed serious enough to render the student unfit to pursue his or her profession
  • Conduct that is inconsistent with the ethical code of the profession the student is preparing to enter
  • Unlawful use or possession of controlled substances on the Medical Center campus
  • Unauthorized possession or concealment of firearms or other weapons on medical center premises at any time
  • Attempting to gain access to another’s e-mail or computer account, username or password
  • Knowingly setting off false fire, safety or security alarms
  • An accusation of student and/or faculty academic dishonesty or misconduct made in bad faith

Rush University Honor Code

Rush University Honor Code

I pledge that my academic, research and/or clinical work will be of the highest integrity.

I shall neither give nor receive unauthorized aid; I shall not represent the work of others as my own;

I shall not engage in scientific misconduct, and I shall treat all persons with the greatest respect

and dignity, just as the ethical codes of Rush University Medical Center and my future

profession demand.

I recognize that behaviors that impede learning or undermine academic, research and clinical

evaluation, including but not limited to falsification, fabrication and plagiarism, are inconsistent

with Rush University values and must be reported.

Implementation of the Honor Code

This Honor Code (from now on referred to as the Code) sets the standards for expected professional behavior within the University and the Medical Center. Commitment to this Code is a shared responsibility of all faculty, staff, and students within the Rush University community to ensure the highest standards of behavior, whether in the classroom, the laboratory, or in the clinical setting, and to ensure that education obtained at Rush provides a sound foundation for each student’s future success as an academic, scientific, or healthcare professional.

Code Enforcement

Any violations of this Code or suspicion of student or academic misconduct should be reported to the

student’s college for further review in accordance with the procedures specified by that college. Each

college will be expected to set standards for addressing Honor Code violations and cases of misconduct

in a fair and consistent manner that best fits their respective student population. Students refusing to

sign must submit a letter to their Dean’s office explaining why, and adherence to the Code is required

for matriculation, whether or not the document has been signed. The Code may also be enforced for off campus

actions when the student is representing himself or herself as a member of the University.


By signing below, I affirm my commitment to this Code and pledge to act with integrity and adhere to

the Rush University values of Innovation, Collaboration, Accountability, Respect, and Excellence. I

understand that this signed document becomes part of my permanent record, and I must uphold the

letter and spirit of this Code throughout my Rush education.

Inappropriate Degree Usage

A student may not refer to himself/herself as having earned a specific degree until:

  • All degree requirements have been successfully completed,
  • A completed Degree Approval Form has been submitted to the Office of the Registrar, and the official date of graduation for a particular term has been reached.

A student who disregards this policy will be referred to the committee that addresses professional ethics violations for that student’s program or college.

Continuous Enrollment

Rush University requires continuous enrollment in the majority of its academic programs from the time a student matriculates through a student’s graduation. Exemptions for the summer term only include both first-year medical students and Health Systems Management majors. Students who are not officially enrolled or have not submitted a Petition for Leave of Absence or Voluntary Withdrawal form risk being administratively withdrawn from the University.

A student enrolled in a noncredit residency or academic enrichment program prior to receipt of his or her degree must be registered for the Continuous Enrollment course to retain his or her student status.

Any degree or certificate student not enrolling in a new course but needing to replace an outstanding incomplete grade must register for the continuous enrollment course until the grade is satisfied.

A student who is auditing a course and not allowed in other courses during the same term must register for the Continuous Enrollment course to be charged appropriately.

Credit by Proficiency

A student who passes a proficiency examination at Rush University will earn academic credit toward the degree. Programs have the discretion to offer credit by proficiency (e.g. standardized examinations such as ACT-PEP Challenge or Advanced Placement Exams) and/ or achieved prior learning (such as Continuing Education Units). Rush Medical College does not offer credit by proficiency.

Credit by proficiency and/or achieved prior learning is based upon documented equivalence with courses offered by the program.The minimum standards and format for demonstrating proficiency are determined by program faculty. Formats for demonstrating proficiency may include departmentally developed examinations, licensure/ certification exams, portfolios, and competency demonstrations.

Credit awarded by proficiency will equal the credit value of the course(s) as listed in the Rush University Catalog under which the student matriculated. Information that is posted on the transcript for approved credit is the prefix, number, and title of the course section, the credits awarded, and the grade of “K”.

Credit for the course will appear in the appropriate term as credit earned. Credit earned by this mechanism will not be used in calculating the student’s grade point average (GPA).

A fee or partial tuition related to what the student would have been charged may be assessed.

Academic Credit

Academic credit is awarded to a student upon the successful completion of an approved instructional course or by the demonstration of competencies, proficiencies, or fulfillment of learning outcomes equivalent to that provided by an approved instructional course.

One unit of academic credit is the measure of the total time commitment a typical student is expected to devote to learning per week of study.

Total time devoted to learning includes but is not limited to: classroom or faculty instruction in either a synchronous or asynchronous mode; time devoted to individual conferences with instructors; reading and completion of learning activities and assignments; posting in on-line discussion folders; performance demonstrations; examinations; work associated with completion of capstone assignments, thesis, or dissertations; laboratory work; clinical practica; or any other activity required of the student.

One hour of credit is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester or one trimester hour of credit or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit or the equivalent of at least 37.5 hours of work for one semester or one trimester hour of credit or 25 hours of work for one quarter hour of credit.

In this context, an hour of work is defined as 50 minutes.

Course credits are not calculated for Rush Medical College and 2nd or 3rd-year Physician Assistant Studies courses; however, the number of weeks of clinical experiences appears on the student’s transcript. Credit hour assignment for time spent in clinical practica, internships, seminars, and laboratory work vary according to college or program requirements.

Grade Point Average

A grade point average is not reported for Rush Medical College students·  Transfer credits from institutions outside of Rush University are not included in the GPA calculation·  Transfer credits internal to Rush University are included in the GPA calculation. Separate grade point averages are calculated for a student’s undergraduate and graduate records.  Your GPA is calculated using all grades in courses that could count toward the program.  The GPA is recalculated from zero when a student successfully completes a program and matriculates into a new program at the graduate or professional level.   Transcripts show the grade point average for each term in which grade points are earned and show a cumulative GPA for all work taken at Rush University for each program degree level.    

When a course is repeated, only the most recent attempt is computed in the GPA, although all grades will display on the transcript.

No grade points are assigned for work taken on a pass/no pass basis, and therefore such work is not computed in the grade point average.

Undergraduate students who are required to enroll in courses that typically are taught at the graduate level will have these courses count toward their undergraduate programs of study; thus the credits and grade points will be calculated as part of the undergraduate transcript.

Grade Report

Students can access RUConnected for their grade report. Grade reports are not mailed to students. Printed copies of a student’s grade report are unofficial and intended for the student’s personal use and should not be accepted by another college/ university in lieu of an official transcript.

Grading and Numbering System

Grade Points Description
A 4.0 Excellent
B 3.0 Good
C 2.0 Satisfactory for undergraduates but may not be acceptable at the graduate level
D 1.0 Minimal pass for some undergraduate programs. May not be acceptable at graduate level. Not used at the graduate level by the College of Nursing, The Graduate College, or the Department of Health Systems Management.
F 0 Failure
P 0 Passing
HP 0 High Pass (only used by Rush Medical College for 3rd- and 4th-year clinical courses)
N 0 No Pass
H 0 Honors (only used by Rush Medical College)
W 0 Withdrew between weeks 2 through 5; also used by Rush Medical College when a circumstance beyond the student’s control prevents completion of course requirements regardless of withdrawal date during the quarter
K 0 Credit earned through proficiency examination
T 0 Credit accepted in transfer from another college/university
CIP/IP 0 Course in progress and grade not reported
I 0 Incomplete
NR 0 No Record (not used after summer 2009)
CC 0 Course continues into the next term. Grade received at end of series is grade for entire course
AU 0 Audit
XX 0 Participation in an ungraded course or residency

Graduation and Commencement


Students must be registered for the term in which they graduate.

Application for Graduation

Only Rush University students who are candidates for a degree may participate in the commencement ceremony. Certificate candidates are ineligible to participate.

Although Rush University has multiple graduation dates during which degrees are conferred, the University has only one commencement ceremony.

Students are invited to participate in the commencement ceremony if:

  • They graduated in the fall, winter or spring term immediately preceding the current academic year’s ceremony
  • They are anticipated to graduate at the end of the spring or summer terms that immediately follow the current academic year’s ceremony

Doctoral students writing a dissertation and master’s students writing a thesis must provide the title of their dissertation/thesis by the date indicated on the Degree Approval Form in order to have that title included in the commencement program.

Publication of a student’s name, academic credentials and/or dissertation/thesis title in the commencement program does not indicate that a degree has been officially conferred by Rush University.

Students must be registered for the term in which they graduate.

All degree seeking students must submit both Intent to Graduate and Degree Approval forms to the Office of the Registrar by the published deadlines.

Students who do not submit either the Intent to Graduate form or the Degree Approval form by the published deadline risk a delayed graduation and may be charged a processing fee.

The student’s signature on the Intent to Graduate form signals that the student is ready to graduate; allows, only for purposes of the ceremony, the release of directory information restrictions enacted by the student through his/her signature on the Directory Information Restriction form; permits release of the student’s name and address to the external photography vendor with whom Rush contracts and to have the vendor place photographs of the student on its Website; permits the University to publish the student’s picture in a picture composite; for medical students, permits publication of the student’s name, photograph, prior degrees and universities/colleges attended in the Rush Medical College yearbook; permits Rush University to print and/ or announce the following:

  • Student’s name as indicated on the Intent to Graduate form
  • Honors or awards received
  • Previous colleges/universities attended and
  • Prior degrees earned

The Degree Approval form must be submitted after all academic degree requirements are completed. These include:

  • All program prerequisites, including general education requirements
  • All courses required in the major program of study and completion of required cumulative credit hours
  • Residency requirements
  • Dissertation/thesis defense (if required by college)
  • Submission of the dissertation/thesis to the library (if applicable)
  • Achievement of the minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for undergraduate and 3.0 for graduate students (not applicable to RMC)

Student’s transcript, diploma and other notification of degree conferrals will be held until a student’s financial obligation has been met.

Outstanding financial obligations have no effect on the awarding of degrees.

Rush University degrees are dated the day following the last day of the term in which the degree requirements are completed. Degree requirements must be fully met before the next term officially begins; otherwise, the student will be required to register for the subsequent term and will graduate at the end of that term.

Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree who have demonstrated academic excellence are honored at commencement by the Rush University faculty. Those earning a 3.40 to 3.59 cumulative grade point average at Rush are awarded the Bachelor of Science degree cum laude; 3.60 to 3.79, magna cum laude; 3.80 to 4.00, summa cum laude. Only Rush University courses are calculated into the GPA. Latin honors appear on the student’s transcript and diploma and are typically announced during the graduation exercises including the Commencement ceremony and at college/departmental convocation/awards ceremonies.

Awarding of Degrees

Rush University degrees are dated the day following the last day of the term in which the degree requirements are completed. Degree requirements must be fully met before the next term officially begins; otherwise, the student will be required to register for the subsequent term and will graduate at the end of that term. The student’s transcript, diploma and other notification of degree conferrals will be held until a student’s financial obligation has been met. Outstanding financial obligations have no effect on the awarding of degrees.

Latin Honors

Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree who have demonstrated academic excellence are honored at commencement by the Rush University faculty. Those earning a 3.40 to 3.59 cumulative grade point average at Rush are awarded the Bachelor of Science degree cum laude; 3.60 to 3.79, magna cum laude; 3.80 to 4.00, summa cum laude. Only Rush University courses are calculated into the GPA. Latin honors appear on the student’s transcript and diploma and are typically announced during the graduation exercises, including the Commencement ceremony and at college/departmental convocation/awards ceremonies.

Graduation Prizes and Awards

Many prizes and awards are given at the time of graduation. Award winners are identified in the Commencement ceremony program and in college/departmental convocation/awards ceremony programs.

Thesis/Dissertation/Scholarly Project Requirements for Graduation

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) candidates must complete a dissertation. The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program requires completion of a scholarly project. Some master’s programs require a thesis to meet degree requirements.

Each thesis/dissertation/scholarly project must be original and cannot have been used to meet the requirement of any other degree, either at Rush University or any other university.

Each student will have a committee whose role is to assure that the student’s thesis/dissertation/scholarly project is of high quality and meets the standards of the program and the University for originality, contribution to the field, and scholarly presentation.

Review of a thesis/dissertation/scholarly project will follow the sequence of steps as described by each college, including the prescribed preparation manual for each degree.

Students must give a public presentation of the knowledge developed through the thesis/dissertation/scholarly project process to the academic community.

Public presentation of the thesis/dissertation/scholarly project must precede the final approval by the thesis or dissertation committee.

A copy of the thesis/dissertation must be approved by the Director of the Library of Rush University Medical Center for conformance to publishing requirements and copyright compliance. Scholarly projects are not reviewed by the library.

Hazardous Exposure Procedures

Exposure Incident Definition: Eye, mouth, mucous membrane, non-intact skin contact or parenteral exposure to blood or potentially infectious or hazardous materials that result from the performance of a duty related to a student’s educational program.

Procedure at Rush University Medical Center:

  1. Wash injured area with soap and water.  Use water only for the eyes, nose or mouth.
  2. Immediately report the incident to your preceptor, supervisor and/or course instructor.  Do not complete the employee injury report.
  3. Immediately call and then report to Employee and Corporate Health Services (ECHS) during regular hours (Monday - Friday, 7:30 am to 4:00 pm), Room 475, 4th floor of the Atrium, 1650 W. Harrison St., (312) 942-5878.
  4. If ECHS is closed, immediately report to Emergency Department (ED), first floor of the Tower, 1620 W. Harrison St., (312) 947-0100. Please bring your student ID or indicate that you are a student and not an employee. If a student is seen in the ED, that student must report to ECHS on the next business day.
  5. Supply ECHS or ED nurse or physician with the following information on the source: name, date of birth, medical record number, known medical diseases (Hepatitis B, HIV) and patient room number. All information is recorded confidentially in the Blood/Body Fluid Exposure Record. 
  6. If the incident occurs in the OR, have personnel draw two red top tubes on source and label with source information and take to ECHS/ED.  Students will be counseled or treated as deemed appropriate by ECHS or ED personnel.
  7. Follow-up with ECHS as directed for follow-up lab work and treatment as indicated.  Only medical students will follow-up with Lifetime Medical Associates (LMA).  
  8. Follow the protocol at your facility.  If directed to Rush ED facility, bring source patient information (No. 4) and source blood in two red top tubes with source information.  Email RU.Report_Exposures@rush.edu with exposed student’s name, college, course, date, time and details of exposure for follow-up and billing.  Follow-up care should be received at ECHS or Lifetime  Medical Associates. 


Phone Numbers Students May Need:

Rush University Counseling Center

RUMC Campus Security

RUMC Emergency Room

RUMC Employee and Corporate Health Services

Rush Hotline

Office of Medical Student Programs
(312) 942-6915      

Lifetime Medical Associates

Crisis Lines:

Chicago Police Department

National Suicide Hotline

YWCA Rape Crisis Hotline

Alcoholics Anonymous 24-hour Hotline

Narcotics Anonymous 24-hour Hotline

Northwestern Memorial Hospital 24-hour Hotline

Domestic Violence Helpline (City of Chicago)

Sarah’s Inn Hotline (domestic violence)

Health and Immunization Requirements

Program-specific health and immunization requirements are determined by each college and/or academic program:

  • Students are notified at the time of admission by the College or program of the health and immunization requirements for matriculation into the University.
  • Students must comply with annual health and immunization requirements.
  • Students who do not submit the proper proof of fulfilled health and immunization requirements by the designated deadline will be prohibited from registering for the next term and may be disengaged from the program until these requirements are met. Late registration fees will apply.
  • Students should be aware that clinical sites outside of Rush may have additional requirements.

Students with a medical or religious exemption will be required to adhere to state and hospital policies concerning infection control.

Incomplete Grades

The grade of incomplete (“I”) is given only when circumstances beyond the student’s control prevent completion of course requirements and the student has received permission to defer completion of these unmet course requirements.

Students must be enrolled during the term in which course requirements are completed. Students enrolling only to complete requirements for a course in which a grade of incomplete was given must register for the Continuous Enrollment course (XXX999) for zero credit hours. Upon completion of the course requirements the (“I”) grade will be replaced by the new grade earned in the course.

A student receiving a grade of (“I”) in a course may not begin another course for which the incomplete course is a prerequisite. A student who fails to remove the incomplete grade within the specified time period will receive a final grade of “F” or “N” in the course. It is the student’s responsibility to pursue the completion of an incomplete grade

Students in the College of Nursing, College of Health Sciences, The Graduate College and students-at-large must complete the unmet course requirements, typically within one term after the term in which the incomplete grade was assigned and not to exceed one calendar year, unless an extension is approved. Students in the College of Nursing may not register for new courses if they have two or more incomplete grades.

Rush Medical College students will be informed by the course instructor and the Office of Medical Student Programs regarding the specific time frame in which an incomplete grade must be resolved.

Additional college specific policies may apply.

Pass/No Pass Grading Option

Designated letter grade courses may be taken as pass/no-pass based on approval by the course/program director. The pass/nopass option is college and course specific, as is the proportion of courses that can be taken pass/no pass. The decision to take a course for a pass/no pass grade cannot be changed after the first Friday of the term.

Repeated Courses

Some courses, such as research and clinical, may be repeated. These are usually indicated in the course description. All grades and grade points are counted in the GPA for these courses. For all other courses that are repeated, only the most recent grade is counted in the GPA. Both the original course and the repeated course appear on the student’s transcript.

Repeated Courses: Rush Medical College

All instances of a course are represented on the students’ official transcript. Course and exam remediation’s are also represented.

Room Reservations

To schedule the use of classrooms, lecture halls and auditoriums in the Armour Academic Center, individuals should request a room from the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar will assist in making room reservations for classes, meetings and campus events based on room availability. Priority for rooms is given to instructional/class meetings, followed by standing meetings, ad-hoc meetings, student organizations and other requests on a first-come, first-served basis.

Student events must have the approval of the Office of Student Life regarding the date/time and either the organization faculty sponsor’s or the Office of Student Life verification regarding the sponsorship of the event.

RULearning (Blackboard)

RULearning (Blackboard) is a web-based learning system for course management and delivery. Instructors may use Blackboard to provide students with course materials, discussion boards, online exams, virtual chats and more. The degree to which Blackboard is used in a course varies. Some courses may be conducted entirely online through Blackboard, without any on-campus sessions while others may use Blackboard as a supplement to face-to-face sessions.

Account Creation

Students will have RULearning accounts created for them automatically when they have a Rush email account created and register for a course that requires Blackboard access. Students will receive their RULearning account through their Rush email.

Account Deactivation

RULearning accounts for students will remain active for the duration of their affiliation with the university. Students’ accounts will be deactivated 14 days after their graduation or their affiliation with the University ends.

Course Availability and Retention

Courses in RULearning are available to students on the start date of the term.

Courses will be retained in RULearning for one year past their expected end date. At the end of this period of time, courses will be archived and removed from RULearning. Students will be informed how to download relevant information from their courses that they might need after leaving Rush.

System Availability

The Blackboard system is available on campus via the Rush network and off campus via public Internet. System maintenance is performed every Sunday between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. CST. The system may be unavailable during this time.


Individuals who have not formally matriculated to a degree or certificate program, but who want to enroll in a course may do so by completing the Student-at-Large Registration form.

Students are not allowed to take Rush Medical College courses as a student-at-large.

Students are not allowed to take clinical courses as a student-at-large.

An instructor is not obligated to accept a student-at-large in his or her class.

A final grade will be assigned to any course taken as a student-at-large. Individuals should be sure they have the appropriate preparation to take any courses they register for as students-at-large.

Students in degree or certificate programs have enrollment priority over students-at-large.

Students-at-large may be removed from a course if degree- or certificate-seeking students need to enroll in that class. If a student-at-large is removed from a class they have already paid for, a full refund will be issued.

A student may accumulate no more than 12 credit hours of academic credit as a student-at-large. These hours may be taken within one term or over a period of time. Registration as a student-at-large that results in more than the allowable number of hours in the student-at-large status can only be authorized by the Dean or Associate Dean of the college offering the course(s).

Credit earned as a student-at-large will not necessarily apply toward a Rush degree, if the individual is subsequently admitted to a degree program.

Any incomplete (“I”) grade earned as a student at large will revert to a permanent failing grade (“F”) unless completed by the end of the next academic term. It is the student’s responsibility to pursue the completion of an incomplete grade.

Student-at-Large Registration forms are only accepted during the designated priority registration period for continuing students for the term in question. Late forms will only be accepted if authorized by the Dean or Associate Dean of the college offering the course(s).

Student-at-Large Registration forms will only be processed with full tuition payment and all appropriate approvals.

Students-at-large who qualify for RUMC employee LEAP tuition assistance must have applied for LEAP tuition assistance by the end of the designated priority registration period for continuing students for the term in question. Please note that the designated priority registration period may end earlier than the normal LEAP tuition assistance deadline for degree- or certificate-seeking students.

Students cannot be admitted to a Rush University degree or certificate program if they have had a probationary event as a student-at-large. Students who have already been admitted when a probationary event occurs will have their admission rescinded or be dismissed from the program In order to be considered for admission an applicant must be considered in good academic standing.

Student Email Accounts

Rush University creates an email account for each student prior to the student’s first term. Students are expected to check their email account with regular frequency since Rush University considers email an official means of communication. Often, students are notified of important news and deadlines via the campus email system. Students should also use their Rush email account to communicate with faculty and staff versus sending an email using a personal email account.

Should problems arise with a student’s email account,  the student should contact the Help Desk at (312) 942-4357 or via email at help@rush.edu.

Graduates of Rush University should have access to their Rush email account for 14 days after graduation. Students who leave the University, but who have not graduated should expect to have their email accounts terminated immediately.

Rush University Medical Center has the right to assign, reassign or terminate any individual’s access to electronic communications, information systems or networks and take disciplinary actions, up to and including dismissal, in response to any negligent or deliberate misuse thereof. Email belongs to the recipient. A user’s mailbox is treated in the same manner as any other file belonging to that user.

Information proprietary to Rush University Medical Center may not be shared outside the organization without the approval of management. Patients’ (HIPAA) protected information may qualify as a medical record and is considered confidential. Therefore, email related to patient care, treatment, therapy or testing should be incorporated into the patient’s medical record or be encrypted. Rush University Medical Center is not responsible for the content of emails received.

Examples of actions that may be subject to disciplinary action include:

  • Sharing account information, including user name and password
  • Attempting to gain access to another’s user’s password, user name or email account
  • Attempting to read, delete, copy or modify the email of other users
  • Posting email messages with sexually explicit images or language that may be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on a person’s race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, marital or parental status, disability as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, veteran’s status, pregnancy or any other category protected by federal or state law or county or city ordinance
  • Spamming

Student Account Management and Identity Security

Every approved user will be provided an individual computer account with a unique password. Users are able to  update their passwords at resetmynetworkid.rush.edu. Generic sign-ons used by groups of individuals are not allowed. Sharing a sign-on and password or the unauthorized access of another person’s computer account is not permitted and can lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

Every Rush-affiliated user is responsible for every transaction originating from his or her computer account. Accounts that are not used for nine months may be deactivated without notice by Information Services.

Anyone engaging in unauthorized use, disclosure, alteration or destruction of data is subject to disciplinary action. Computer accounts may not be used in any manner that would be illegal or violate the following:

  • Rush University Medical Center’s Code of Conduct policy
  • Any Rush policy addressing privacy; confidentiality; or the use or disclosure of patient, staff, physician, student or other data.

Student Identification Cards

Rush students are required to wear their student ID card at all times while on campus. Students not wearing a valid student ID card could be asked to leave the University or Medical Center and related clinical sites. A valid student ID card is needed to access and use the library, laboratories, bookstore and student lounge, and is required for admission to some school events.

The student ID card is valid only while the student is enrolled at Rush University and is immediately deactivated upon graduation, withdrawal or dismissal from the University. Students must return the ID card to the Office of the Registrar upon separation from the University.

New students who attend a formal orientation program will be issued their ID card during the orientation. Otherwise, new students can request an ID card from the Office of the Registrar starting the Friday before the term i officially begins in which the student Is matriculating.

The Armour Academic Center building opens at 5:30 a.m. and is locked at 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. On Saturday, the building opens at 8:00 a.m. and is locked at 1:30 p.m. The building is closed on Sundays and holidays. If there is a special event going on in the building or a special request made, the opening and closing times may change. As always, any visitor may enter Rush through the main visitor entrance in the Atrium Building and request a visitor pass.

In order to make it easier for students to enter the Armour Academic Center after the building has been locked at night and to utilize new and extended-hour study spaces, an ID card reader has been installed on the ground floor of the Armour Academic Center near the Bookstore. ID cards for Rush students, faculty and employees may utilize this card reader.

Temporary ID badges are available in the event that authorized personnel have forgotten their original ID. Students  may obtain a temporary ID 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at the University Registrar’s Office. The temporary ID will allow access for a 24-hour period. If the temporary ID is not returned after the expiration, neither the temporary nor the original ID will work until the temporary ID is returned. The temporary ID represents your original ID. If either is lost, there is a $10 replacement fee. If the ID card is damaged or stolen, then the replacement fee will not be assessed if either the damaged ID card or a copy of a police report is received by the Office of the Registrar.

Transcripts from Previous Institutions

As a part of the application for admission process, Rush University requires final and official transcripts from all institutions of higher education that a student attended, regardless of whether or not a degree was earned.

Rush University requires an independent evaluation of foreign credentials in the case when a student earned a degree outside of the US or Canada.

Non-medical school graduates from foreign institutions require course-by-course U.S. equivalency reports. Evaluations of other types will not be accepted. Applicants should not submit foreign transcripts in lieu of a foreign credential evaluation.

International medical school graduates can provide proof of Certification from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG - http://www.ecfmg.org/) in lieu a course-by-course evaluation from the list of approved evaluators below.

Individuals who apply using a Centralized Application Service (CAS) should submit their final and official transcripts and/or foreign credential evaluations directly to the CAS.

Individuals who are taking prerequisite or other coursework not listed on their CAS application need to submit their final and official transcripts to Rush University. NursingCAS applicants should submit all final transcripts directly to the CAS system.

Individuals who applied via CAS and their degree was not conferred at the time of the application must submit their final official transcript with degree conferred information to Rush University. NursingCAS applicants should submit all final transcripts directly to the CAS system.

Non-CAS applicants must submit their official/ final documents directly to Rush University.

Rush University Transcripts

Copies of academic transcripts can be obtained at no cost to the student. The transcript is released only with written consent of the student or as consistent with legal requirements. Transcripts will not be released if the student has an outstanding financial obligation to the University.

Students may complete a Transcript Request form available from the Office of the Registrar website or by writing to the Office of the Registrar, Rush University, 600 S. Paulina Street, Suite 440, Chicago, Illinois 60612. Fax requests are honored at (312) 942-2310. The letter or fax must include the handwritten signature of the student. Five to six business days should typically be allowed for processing.

Transcript requests by Rush Medical College students to be used in support of residency applications should be made to the Office of Medical Student Programs rather than to the Office of the Registrar. A Medical Student Performance Evaluation letter is included with these requests. Copies issued to students will be stamped in red ink as “Issued to Student.” All transcripts bear the signature of the University Registrar.

Transfer Credit

Rush University may accept up to 90 quarter hours or 60 semester hours of credit toward General Education and other lower-level course requirements.

Graduate level transfer credit is subject to the approval of the major advisor, program or division director, or designated college administrator based on an evaluation of quality and equivalence.

For graduate level programs, no more than one-third of the total number of required credits may be granted to a student as transfer credit for work done at another graduate institution.

Rush University will not refuse to consider transfer credit based on the accreditation of the sending institution.

Continuing Education Units cannot be transferred in for credit.

Undergraduate courses must be completed with a “C” or better to be awarded credit.

Graduate courses must be completed with a “B” or better to be awarded transfer credit.

Only letter-graded courses are eligible for evaluation as transfer credit; pass/no-pass courses will not be considered.

Undergraduate-level courses cannot be transferred to meet the requirements of a course taught at the graduate-level at Rush.

Transfer credits can only be applied to satisfy the degree requirements of one program. Once applied, they cannot be used a second time for a new degree program.

Previously earned program credits at Rush University may only be used to satisfy the requirements of another program if they are at the same level (e.g. Master’s or Ph.D.) and if they meet the current curricular standards. The number of credits granted for a given course cannot exceed the number awarded for the course on the transcript of the school where the course was taken or the number earned for the corresponding course at Rush University. Credits earned on the quarter system will be converted into semester credits where applicable. A quarter credit is equal to two-thirds of a semester credit (e.g. three quarter-system credits equal two semester credits).

Course information (including grades) from transferred courses is not recorded on the student’s transcript; only the number of credits is recorded and added to the cumulative number of credits.


Enrollment Status Definitions

Students working toward a degree or certificate and who are enrolled at least half-time may be eligible for student financial assistance. These students may also be eligible to have their federal educational loans deferred. Students are considered full-time or half-time based on the below criteria.

  Full-time Half-time
Medical Students All enrolled students are considered full-time
Graduate Students 9 4.5
Undergraduate Students 12 6

Full‐Time Registration for Ph.D. Students

A full-time Ph.D. student is one who is matriculated and meets the conditions for each term noted below:

  • Registers for nine or more graduate credit hours in an academic term; or
  • Registers for a minimum of two hours of dissertation coursework in a fall, spring, or summer term. Note: A student may register for additional courses as needed or required, but if registering for less than nine hours, this must include a minimum of two hours in dissertation hours to be considered full-time.

A student must be registered for one of the above-defined statuses duringfall, winter, spring or summer term sessions to maintain status as a full-time matriculated student. Individual graduate programs may set guidelines on research enrollments; including which academic milestones should be passed before enrolling in dissertation hours are permitted. Once students successfully defend their dissertation, no further research enrollments are necessary or allowable, and graduation should not be deferred.

  • Each student will be allowed one term of enrollment to finalize all work related to the defense of their dissertation. During this term, the student should apply for graduation, and graduation should not be deferred beyond this point.

Effective fall 2015, all dissertation courses will be corrected to be similarly named following university guidelines and hold fixed credit hours starting at a minimum of 2.0, thereby always conferring full-time status.

Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid about full-time status for financial aid purposes.


Adding/Dropping Courses

The first Friday of the term is the last day a course can be added through RUConnected without instructor approval. A course dropped during the first week of the term will not appear on the student’s transcript. After that date, one of the following applies:

  • Course(s) dropped beginning in weeks 2- the fourth week prior to the end of the term will be issued a grade of W for the course.
  • Course(s) dropped during the three weeks prior to the end of the term, the student will receive the grade earned for the coursework. 
  • No course may be dropped after the last day of classes or after a final evaluation of the student has been delivered. No withdrawals are allowed during the final examination period.

Rush Medical College students wishing to change their clinical schedules must contact the Office of Medical Student Programs at least four weeks before the start of the scheduled rotation.

For additional information concerning tuition refunds, please refer to Financial Affairs: Tuition Refund Policy.

Auditing a Course

A student wishing to attend a course without completing all the requirements for credit must register to audit the course with permission of the program director. If space in class is limited, continuing and new students have priority.

Registration in a course cannot be changed from audit to credit or credit to audit after the first week of the term.

Fees associated with auditing a course are listed in the Tuition and Fee Schedule.

Auditing of laboratory or clinical courses is prohibited.

An auditing student:
  • May participate in class discussion only at the invitation of the course director
  • Is prohibited from taking examinations
  • Is expected to attend class

An audited course will appear on the student’s transcript with the designation of “AU”. If the student does not attend the class, a grade of “W” will be assigned.

A student who has audited a course may not apply for credit for that course at a later time. Earning a grade and receiving credit for the course can only occur by enrolling in and paying for the course during the term it is offered.

Rush Medical College (RMC) does not allow students to audit RMC courses except with the permission of Committee on Student Evaluation and Promotion (COSEP).

Course Schedule

The Course Schedule is available through the RUConnected student portal. Typically, the Course Schedule will be available one week before the two-week registration period begins. The Office of the Registrar will generally send an email announcement to students’ Rush University email accounts regarding availability of the course schedule. Registration dates and deadlines are also published in the academic calendar.

Changes to the course schedule, including updates to meeting times, instructors, classrooms and added/closed/canceled courses will be updated in RUConnected.

Independent Study

To register for independent study, the education coordinator or course instructor offering the course will approve the course and its objectives.  Then forward the independent study course request form, including instructor, course title, course description, number of credit hours and grading system, to the Office of the Registrar.

The Office of the Registrar will create the course in the student information system. Once the course has been created, the Office of the Registrar will contact the education coordinator or course instructor and inform them of the status of the course. The education coordinator or course instructor will inform the student when the course is available and the student will register for the course using RUConnected.

Nursing students complete an Independent Study Contract form, which is available in the Office of the Registrar or online. On this form the objectives of the study are defined, a plan to meet those objectives is described, etc. This form should be completed and approved by the preceptor, department chair and the program director no later than the first day of the term in which the independent study is to be taken. The student’s preceptor keeps the contract. Health Systems Management students also complete a separate independent study form, which is available in the Department of Health Systems Management.

Registration Process

Each term the Course Schedule is available on the RUConnected student portal.

Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis according to the following order of priority:

  1. Continuing students
  2. New students
  3. Students-at-large

It is the responsibility of continuing students to register using RUConnected each term during the designated two-week registration period for continuing students. Late fees may be applied to students who register outside of the designated registration period.

To register for any given term, students cannot have a registration hold (i.e., missing transcripts, missing/out-of-date immunizations, insurance waivers, financial holds, etc.). If the hold is removed before the end of the registration period, the student can register him or herself without penalty. If the hold is not removed by the end of the registration period, the student will need to register with the Office of the Registrar as soon as the hold is resolved and will be assigned a late registration fee.

Registration is complete only when tuition and other charges for the term are paid or satisfactory arrangements for payment are made. Tuition is always due on the first day of the term.

Students who register for a class and subsequently decide to withdraw without completing an Add/Drop, Leave of Absence or Voluntary Withdrawal forms will receive a failing grade (F or N) for that course.

Withdrawal/Leave of Absence

Administrative Withdrawal

Administrative withdrawal refers to a permanent departure from the University that is University-initiated and without expectation of the student’s return.

Rush University requires continuous enrollment in most of its programs from the time a student matriculates through a student’s graduation. Students are required to be registered each term or on an approved leave of absence. If the student has decided to withdraw from Rush, voluntary withdrawal paperwork must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar before the voluntary withdrawal will become official. A student who is not registered, on an approved leave of absence or who has not submitted paperwork to voluntarily withdraw will be administratively withdrawn from the University at the end of the term in which the student stopped attending. The administrative withdrawal is posted to the student’s transcript. Should the student wish to return to Rush in the future, the student will need to apply for readmission.

Voluntary Withdrawal

Voluntary withdrawal refers to a permanent departure from the University that is student-initiated and without expectation of the student’s return.

After matriculation to Rush University, a student may not arbitrarily cease registration. All students are required to maintain continuous enrollment or risk administrative withdrawal due to unexplained nonregistration.

Any student withdrawing from the University must give formal notification by completing a Petition for Withdrawal or Leave of Absence form, which requires the student to obtain specific signatures. The Office of the Registrar is the designated office that a student must notify if he or she wishes to withdraw from the University. The Petition for Withdrawal or Leave of Absence form may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar or online. The official date used in processing the form is the date that the student begins the withdrawal process.

Withdrawal forms submitted during the current term for the next term or during a break period will use the day after the end of the current term as the official withdrawal date that will be used for processing the form.

A student may not withdraw from classes during the last three weeks of any term.  A student who submits a voluntary withdrawal form during the last three weeks of the term will receive grades in the courses for which he or she is registered.

Official withdrawal from the University entitles a student to a tuition refund from the first through the fifth weeks of the term. No other fees are refundable. The lower refund percentage is valid beginning the next Monday morning at midnight.

Leave of Absence

After matriculation to Rush University, a student may not arbitrarily cease registration without notice. All students are required to maintain continuous enrollment or risk administrative withdrawal after one term due to unexplained nonregistration. Leaves of absence (LOA) are approved and granted for the term for which the LOA is desired or as otherwise approved by the college.

It is the student’s responsibility to communicate directly with his or her college regarding the disposition of the request for the LOA. Students who request a LOA may be displaced into a subsequent cohort, required to take a revised program of study upon return to the University or be delayed in their progression through the program based on availability of courses and/or clinical placements. 

Students may be eligible for a LOA only after they have completed and submitted the Petition for Leave of Absence required by each college or program to the Office of the Registrar. Failure to complete and submit the Petition for Leave of Absence form will make the student ineligible for any refunds and obligate him or her for the full term’s insurance charges. The date that the student begins the process of applying for a Leave of Absence is the official date that will be used in processing the form.

The day after the end of the current term will be the official date used in processing a Leave of Absence form submitted during the current term for the next term or during a break period.

For all approved LOAs, the last date of actual class attendance will be the date of record for calculating financial aid disbursements and returns.

A student who Initiates a Petition for Leave of Absence form after the first week of the term will receive a withdrawal grade on the transcript for any coursework. 

No classes may be withdrawn during the last three weeks of any term.  A student who initiates a Petition for Leave of Absence form on or after the Monday beginning the last three week of the term will receive grades in the courses for which he or she is registered and will be subject to an academic progression review based upon the assigned grades.

Each degree has a time limit for completion that includes time away on a LOA. The decision to include the LOA in calculating the time limits for completion of the degree is within the discretion of each college. The maximum length of time that will be approved for a single LOA is 12 consecutive months. Each college may have a maximum length of accumulated leave of absence. 


Returning from a Leave of Absence

Students are responsible for registering themselves for the term in which they are returning from an approved LOA.  This registration must occur during the designated priority registration period. Registration outside of this period will result in a late registration fee.  It is the student’s responsibility to consult with his or her advisor/program director regarding required courses for the term of re-entry.  Rush Medical College students should consult with the appropriate Assistant Dean to determine required courses.  Students must satisfy the conditions of the LOA before re-entering and must comply with all policies, requirements and course sequences in effect at the time of re-entry.

A request to extend a LOA requires that a new clearance form be submitted. A request to extend a LOA requires only the signatures of the student’s program director, advisor or designated administrator of the college. The completed form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than the first Friday of the term for which the extension is being requested.

Students who cannot return and who do not have an extension of a LOA approved must withdraw from the institution.  Students who fail to return from their LOA on the date that was originally approved risk administrative withdrawal.

Student Records

Name, Address and Phone Number Changes

Rush University requires that student academic records exist under the student’s legal name.

The Office of the Registrar maintains the current official listing of student names and addresses for Rush University. It is each student’s responsibility to keep the Office of the Registrar informed of changes to this information.

Name changes require official documentation verifying the new name at the time of the request. Examples of official documentation verifying a new name include: valid driver’s license, marriage license (the official government document), passport, Social Security card, court order, or dissolution decree.

Privacy and Confidentiality of Student Records and FERPA

Rush University takes seriously its commitment to protect the privacy of its students and their education records. In addition to upholding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), Rush University has taken further steps to protect a person’s privacy by extending similar benefits afforded to enrolled students under FERPA to individuals who are applying for admission. If a specific privacy/confidentiality question is not answered in this text, please contact the Office of the Registrar.

Nothing in this policy may be construed to prohibit the University from disclosing information provided to the institution under the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act concerning sex offenders who are required to register.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

FERPA is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of students’ educational records. Educational records are those that contain information or documentation directly related to a student that is recorded in any way, including records produced by handwriting, computer, email, audio, video, etc. Educational records contain information directly related to a student, and are maintained by Rush University or any party acting on its behalf.

FERPA protects the privacy of students’ educational records by setting forth strict instructions and limitations governing the release of information about students. Although FERPA contains exceptions for the release of “directory information” without a student’s prior written consent, students have the right to request that even such directory information be withheld from disclosure to third parties.

Given the restrictions of FERPA, faculty and staff should assume that all students must provide written consent that follows the format specified in FERPA before any educational records may be released to anyone other than the student. Information cannot be released to any third party, including the students’ parents, relatives and friends. Particularly sensitive information includes students’ Social Security numbers, race or ethnicity, gender, nationality, academic performance, disciplinary records, financial aid information and grades. 

Privacy During the Admissions Process

Rush University has chosen to take additional steps to protect a person’s privacy by extending to individuals who are applying for admission similar benefits afforded to enrolled students. This privacy protection covers all applicants and their application materials throughout the admissions process. The application process exists between the applicant and a Rush University admissions office; therefore, any communication about candidates and their application status to parties beyond these entities is not acceptable unless a school official has a legitimate educational interest to know this information in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities. All those involved in the admissions process (e.g., admissions committee members, interviewers, admissions staff, etc.) must adhere to these guidelines.

Directory Information

Rush University may establish categories of information known as directory information and release this information without student consent, upon request. Rush University designates the following personally identifiable information contained in a student’s educational record as directory information:

  • Student’s full name
  • Address (local and permanent)
  • Telephone number (local and permanent)
  • Rush pager number (relevant to third- and fourth-year Rush Medical College students, only)
  • Rush e-mail address
  • Major and minor field(s) of study including the college, division, department and/or program in which the student is enrolled
  • Student’s classification (e.g. junior, senior, etc.) or by number referring to such
  • Dates of attendance and graduation, and degrees received
  • Date and place of birth
  • Photograph or other electronic images*
  • Honors and awards received
  • Previous colleges/universities attended
  • Degrees earned at previous colleges/universities
  • Rush Medical College postgraduate appointment (program/institution/state)

* Rush University records both visually and audibly many campus events and daily activities such as classes, commencement, convocations, student events, and other public occasions. These images, as well as other information about students, are published (e.g. print media; Rush Web site) regularly as part of the University’s coverage of campus life and portrayal of the University to a variety of audiences. The University’s policy is to restrict the use of any photograph/electronic image to the representation, marketing, or promotion of Rush activities only.

Students may restrict the release of their directory information by completing and submitting the Directory Information Restrictions form available in the Office of the Registrar or online.

The decision to restrict directory information will apply to all requests from third parties (other than those who already have legal access to these data elements), including prospective employers. A student must formally rescind a restriction of directory information by submitting a subsequent Directory Information Restrictions form.

Annual Notification of Student Rights under FERPA

Rush University notifies students annually of their rights under FERPA with respect to their educational records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. If an educational record contains information about other students as well, the requesting student may inspect and review only the specific information which pertains to him or her.

Students should submit to the University Registrar, Dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The University official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the University official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

The University may deny a request for copies of educational records when the requestor refuses to furnish proper identification and/or information required by the University.

  1. The right to request amendment to an educational records the student believes is inaccurate.

Students may ask the University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate. They should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, specify why it is inaccurate, and provide the accurate information. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

  1. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the education record, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee (such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks). A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility

  1. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Rush University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5920

Commencement/Graduation Activities

The Intent to Graduate form signals that a student is ready to graduate. By signing the Intent to Graduate form, the student is giving permission to the University to print the following information in any Rush graduation program and/or announce this information at any Rush graduation ceremony: the student’s name as indicated on the Intent to Graduate form, any honors or awards received, the Rush degree and major the student is earning, previous colleges/universities attended, and degrees earned at those previous colleges/universities.

If a Directory Information Restrictions form was previously submitted, the student’s signature on the Intent to Graduate form temporarily releases (for graduation ceremony/program purposes only) the directory information restrictions enacted by the student so that the information can be published in any Rush graduation program and/or announced at any Rush graduation ceremony. In addition, the student’s signature permits Rush University to release the student’s name and address to the external photography vendor with whom Rush contracts, and to have the vendor place graduation photographs of the student on its Web site. The student’s signature also allows the University to publish the student’s picture in a picture composite and the student’s image in a DVD that is created and distributed of the Commencement ceremony. The recording of the graduation ceremony could also appear on the Rush University web site and/or social media sites including but not limited to YouTube and Facebook. Finally, if the student is a medical student, the student’s signature permits publication of the student’s name, photograph, previous degrees earned, and other information in the Rush Medical College yearbook.

If there are questions about how the information will used for graduation or commencement purposes, please speak with the Office of the Registrar before signing and submitting the Intent to Graduate form.

Educational Records

Rush University does not maintain educational records in one central office. Educational records are maintained in the Office of the Registrar and in the respective college and department offices. Other educational records are maintained in the Office of Student Financial Aid (financial aid information, student employment), Office of Student Financial Affairs (financial account payment information), Office of International Services, and other offices. Questions regarding individual student records should be directed to the appropriate location.

Rush University will not issue copies of transcripts received from other institutions to anyone, including the student.

Deceased Student Records

Rush University may, upon the death of a student, release a student’s educational records to a third party. This is done at the sole discretion of Rush University.

Mailing Lists

Rush University does not release student directory information in mailing lists, except to comply with the federal Solomon Amendment.

Additional Questions

The Office of the Registrar is the compliance office for FERPA for Rush University. If there are additional questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar at:

600 South Paulina, Suite 440
Chicago, Illinois 60612

(312) 942-5681